"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Angie's Inspiration

This week's random inspiration from Angie...


I'll put the prompt, and then I'll put the small snippet of the inspiration I wrote from it.  

"You know, I just don't care..." 

Brushing a dark strand of gelled hair that stuck straight up and out of place among his neatly arrayed hair, he lifted his chin regally and glanced at his visage in the mirror.  Very proper looking, he thought to himself.  Proper indeed.  "Look, Darling, your business is your business and my business is - well - mine." 

"I just don't see why I can't choose the victim this time, Daddy," the adolescence whined, slouching on the futon she was draped across with a pout spread across her round face.  

"Oh, for the thousandth time!  I specifically told Juanita to get all the blood out of my white laced kerchiefs!"  He muttered angrily, picking through an array of blood stained handkerchiefs to place in his coat pocket.  Turning towards his daughter, he delicately picked a small pistol from the top of his dresser and tucked it in his gun belt under his suit.  "You know, I just don't care...  Go pick your own for all I care, and here," he handed her another pistol, loading it and putting the safety on.  "Take this while you're at it."    

Hope this one sparked your creative spark.  I'd love to hear yours! 


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