"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway

Angie's Random Quips

In this little corner of heaven, you'll find my random ramblings, thoughts, ideas, and tips, solely dedicated to the beautiful but brain wracking, hair pulling out, wanting to smash your computer to pieces, art of writing.  I will first tell you a few facts about myself (which really should've been put on the About Our Authors page, but would've been too long... *shrug* I'm a talker.)

I can be overly-hyper at times.

I find pleasure in the simplest of things (for example, our Cling Wrap container we just bought has a plastic cutter on it, and after supper while I wrapping stuff up, I couldn't stop playing with it.  It was FASCINATING!).

I love pink. (No, seriously, I don't think you understand how much I love pink!)

I have an odd fascination with nail clippers, as odd as it sounds. I love taking them apart and then trying to use them without the leverage thingy.

I like "arting" (not that I'm any good at it, it's just that I "like" it)... "arting" as in drawing, sketching, painting, driveway art with chalk (when we had the right type of driveway), that kind of stuff.  Which brings me to my next fact...

I'm artsy.  Very artsy.

I have a wild imagination.

I can't live without music... AT ALL.  Can't even study without it, which is kinda sad if you think about it.

I have a small obsession with stuffed animals.  Okay, slash that.  A HUGE obsession with stuffed animals.  I have a million of them on my bed, filling my whole sleeping space, as a matter of fact.

Dance is my life... If I'm not doing school or writing, I'm either at dance or in my room dancing.  Usually I'll be trying out a dangerous gymnastics move that I saw on youtube or tv, and ending up on my back, gasping for air... *ahem* MOVING ON!

My favorite movie is Tangled, even though I'm as old as Rapunzel. (HEY, DON'T JUDGE... IT'S A GREAT MOVIE)

I like to type in caps... A LOT.  If I'm on my laptop, my caps lock is almost usually always on.  Please don't ask why, because I seriously don't know.

Bring me any type of animal and I'll love on it, whether it's cold blooded or warm blooded.  I've always wanted to be a vet... *sighs, watching that dream flutter away off into the sunset and getting burned by the sun's rays*

Ummm... (wow, this is harder than I thought, thinking about things about moi)

I'm bilingual.

I'm trying to train myself to be ambidextrous. (Yeah, not working so well.)

I'm a master at using chopsticks. (I actually eat cheetos with chopsticks :3 )

So enough about me.  This little space of mine will be committed to writing inspiration.  Every week (forgive me if I become lazy or busy and post less often *hides head ashamedly*), I'll be giving out inspiration in either the form of a written word or picture.  Also I'll be sharing tips in writing that I have found to be extremely helpful that I wish I had known years before.  :)

So yup... That's me.  Stay tuned for more.

And in Porky Pig's words,

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