"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway

Friday, September 4, 2015

Ask the Writer

So I thought this would be fun to do, asking the writer different questions.

1. Q: The name of my current work in progress. // A: I am working on a bunch of stuff right now, so it would be hard for me to pinpoint just one. Uhh... Let's say my fantasy novel called Alone in the Dark.

2. Q: Who is my protagonist?  //  A: A young elf, Zashta Xreeon.

3. Who is my antagonist? // A: The Dark Lord of the Mernics, Errad.

4.Q: The name of one of my secondary characters?  // A: Daraq Darkweaver, a human in a world of elves with an unusual... talent, let's say.

5. Q: My favorite author. // A: That's easy.  Wayne Thomas Batson.

6. Q: How long I have been writing. // A: Ever since I was six, but before that I was drawing stories through pictures.

7. Q: My favorite book. // A: Oh gosh, this is hard.  The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare.  AMAZING BOOK!!!  Or anything Wayne Thomas Batson, come to think of it...

8. Q: Description of current work in progress in one sentence. // A: Um... *brain fart*  A young girl who journeys with her father to find her destiny, her true calling, which has been hidden from her until a threatening of war once again with the rising Mernics forces her into action.  (I'm sorry, that was the best I could do under circumstances. :P)

Have any specific questions for me?  I'd love to answer them!


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