"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Inspirational Prompt of the Week

When I should be doing schoolwork (heh... *hides face ashamedly*), I was on pinterest this morning checking my notifications, and I saw this writing prompt in my feed.  It struck my interest.


When I say "struck my interest", what I really mean is "I WANT TO WRITE A WHOLE BOOK BASED OFF THIS INSPIRATIONAL PROMPT".  Who knows... NaNoWriMo is coming up and I still don't have any idea of what I'm going to write.

So, imagine, away!


Tuesday, September 15, 2015


I don't know about you, but when I write I HAVE to have music on in the background... It just gets my inspirational juices flowing.  I can't seem to write anything that's even decent without my groove tunes, not even school papers.  I know, I know, it seems like a problem, but it's not... to me, at least.  What I've done is made a bunch of playlists; one for school, and one for writing.  The playlist for writing has a bunch of subcategories intertwined...  For example, under writing music I have subcategories for genres in writing, such as action, emotional, ect.  It really does help, I've found, and I want to share some of my music with you. :)  And one big note, I do not always watch the movie from where some of these soundtrack songs are from... I usually find them by searching instrumental stuff... Some of the movies I listen to soundtracks from I do not agree with, watch, or even know.  Please keep that in mind as you go along with this list.  :)

So, without further ado...

(NOTE: Anything to do with the artist Audiomachine is background writing music worthy.  When you listen to them, you can just feel yourself soaring through different emotions. And Hans Zimmer, too. 'Nuff said right there.)

Music for ACTION scenes

1. Hero - Kung Fu Panda OST  // This song is more fun than action-y, really. But it's inspiring, all the same.

2. Discombobulate - Hans Zimmer (Sherlock Holmes OST) // Anything from the Sherlock Holmes (the one from the movie with RDJ) soundtrack is AMAZING and totally worth listening to.

3. Wolf Suite pt. 1 - Danny Elfman // This is a sort of ominous and fast paced one.

4. King Arthur - Hans Zimmer // If you're looking for regal and righteousness with all the trumpets and horns, this is the song for you.

5. Septimus - Ilan Eshkeri (Stardust OST) // Reminds me of a horse riding scene for some reason...

6. This is Berk - John Powell (How to Train Your Dragon OST) // Not as fast paced in the beginning, but it gets more exciting after the first part.

7. Heart of Courage - TSFH // This song... no words... okay, maybe one: INSPIRING!!!

8. The Dream Is Collapsing - Hans Zimmer (Inception OST) // Embrace the dark side... the rush of a million heart beats crying for WAR! *battle cry* Ahem, great movie, btw...

9. Revenge of the Fallen - Transformers //

10. Road To Glory - Audiomachine // The name speaks for itself, peeps.

11. Catatonic - Hans Zimmer

12. Smooth Criminal - Dallas String Quartet // The instrumental for this song is great.

Uplifting mood music:

1. Carl Goes Up - Michael Giacchino (Up OST) // It's just a given, you can never not be happy when you're listening to anything from that blessed movie. Unless you re-imagine the scene... in that case, better grab a box of tissues, preferably the ones with the lotion infused into them.

2. Where's Hiccup - John Powell (HTTYD OST) // Beautiful soundtrack... beautiful music.

3. Another Dance - Dario Marianelli (Pride and Prejudice OST) //

4. Secrets - Dallas String Quartet

5. Hey Soul Sister - Dallas String Quartet

6. Peponi - Piano Guys

7. Baba Yetu - Peter Hollens // His version is the best.  I like to use this and Peponi when I'm writing scenes that are set in like African plains and stuff like that.


1. Time - Hans Zimmer (Inception OST) // This whole soundtrack is amazing and inspirational for just... anything. Seriously, check it out.  (P.S. 2Cellos do an amazing cover of this one)

2. I AM (Creation Overture) // From the album Music From the Story: Old Testament, this song just surges with RIGHTEOUSNESS... and INSPIRATION.

3. Honor - Hans Zimmer // This, just this, it's beautiful! *sobs* It makes me cry from explicit emotion.

4. A Special Bus - Murray Gold // Yes, this is a song from Doctor Who, but it's powerful, nonetheless

5. Redemption - Audiomachine // RIGHTEOUS

6. Winterspell - Thomas Bergersen

7. I Am the Doctor - Murray Gold // Another DW song... I know, I bet you're thinking "ANGIE, ENOUGH!"  I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry...

8. My Strength - District 78

Melancholy/deeply moving music:

1. Chairman's Waltz - John Williams (The Memoirs of a Geisha OST)// A lot of strings in this one.  Need I go on?

2. Illumination - Jennifer Thomas // This one is half melancholy half righteous.

3. Fall From Grace - Kerry Muzzey // I would describe this first as happyish, but then it gets darker and a bit more ominous.

4. It's Hard to Say Goodbye - Michael Ortega

5. Red Warrior - Audiomachine

6. Letting Go - Patrick Doyle (Thor OST)

7. Rain - Brian Crain


1. Save a Place For Me - Matthew West

2. Last Night - Skillet

3. Without You - For King and Country

4. Saturn - Sleeping at Last

5. All of Me - Matt Hamitt

6. Fall Alseep - Jars of Clay

That's just a small notch in the compilation of songs from my "writing music library", just a few out of many.  You should seriously check some of the songs out, though, if you haven't heard them.  They are amazing.  Most of them.  :P  As always, thanks for taking time to read!


Friday, September 4, 2015

Ask the Writer

So I thought this would be fun to do, asking the writer different questions.

1. Q: The name of my current work in progress. // A: I am working on a bunch of stuff right now, so it would be hard for me to pinpoint just one. Uhh... Let's say my fantasy novel called Alone in the Dark.

2. Q: Who is my protagonist?  //  A: A young elf, Zashta Xreeon.

3. Who is my antagonist? // A: The Dark Lord of the Mernics, Errad.

4.Q: The name of one of my secondary characters?  // A: Daraq Darkweaver, a human in a world of elves with an unusual... talent, let's say.

5. Q: My favorite author. // A: That's easy.  Wayne Thomas Batson.

6. Q: How long I have been writing. // A: Ever since I was six, but before that I was drawing stories through pictures.

7. Q: My favorite book. // A: Oh gosh, this is hard.  The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare.  AMAZING BOOK!!!  Or anything Wayne Thomas Batson, come to think of it...

8. Q: Description of current work in progress in one sentence. // A: Um... *brain fart*  A young girl who journeys with her father to find her destiny, her true calling, which has been hidden from her until a threatening of war once again with the rising Mernics forces her into action.  (I'm sorry, that was the best I could do under circumstances. :P)

Have any specific questions for me?  I'd love to answer them!


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Hi guys! I'm so excited to start blogging on here (this is my first blog post ever!) :D

First off, I want to say thank you to Angie to inviting me. You're awesome. <3 :)

Also, the name I'm blogging under is my pen name- I'll also use it if (hopefully when) I get published.

I figured I'd tell you a little bit about my books in this post. Feel free to ask any questions :)

The book that's in my bio thingy on here is titled 'Worlds Away'. The way it got that title is SO cheesy, I'm embarrassed *~* But anywho.. It's the only novel I've finished ('finished', since I've only finished the first draft), and I /still/ don't have a synopsis for it. Basically, I describe it as Alice in Wonderland meets Lord of the Rings. I started writing it when I was 12, so it's not the best and I don't think I'll ever get it published. 

I have roughly three WIPs (work-in-progresses) right now. One of which I haven't even started writing yet. XD One of them is the first in a trilogy, all of which are collectively called the Time Trilogy. This particular book is tentatively titled Adrift in Time. I don't really have a way of explaining it. Think Doctor Who-Star Trek-ish. 

Another one of them- I'm farther along with. It's (tentatively?) titled Five Hundred Lives. Here's the synopsis:

Aria Treader used to be an assassin for the twisted dystopian government. Since then, she's changed her ways and become part of END, an organization to help 'troubled' people and rebel against the government. It was all going pretty decent until her close friend betrays her. As her friend starts making the government stronger, END starts to crumble... Aria is forced to forget her past and face the future... Which is hard to do if you're being hunted. 

That's all about that one. 

My last one- this is the one I haven't even started writing yet. *blush* All I have so far is a couple images in my mind from Pinterest and the words 'manufactured humans'. XD But after I get some characters, I would like to start writing it relatively soon. 

Thanks for reading! 
